At Dimensions, we provide training to progress in a social care career. Everyone who works for us is trained to meet mandatory and essential standards and you’ll find we train our colleagues beyond the minimum requirements.
Within the first week of employment, you’ll be invited to start your induction training to start your social care career.
We have our own learning academy. Alongside some face-to-face learning, you will complete a majority of your mandatory training online and learn a variety of topics, including health and safety and fire safety at work. All our courses are regularly updated, so your knowledge will always be at the forefront of the sector.
Within the first 12 weeks of working with us, we’ll support you to complete the Care Certificate or All Wales Induction Standards. These are a requirement for everyone working in the social care sector.
If you are a permanent member of staff, you’ll have the opportunity to complete qualifications relevant to your role, with one of our very experienced External Providers. Plus, you could be eligible for a ‘bonus payment’ when you complete certain qualifications.
At Dimensions, we follow Skills for Care and CQC/CIW guidance. This means that we support the development of our permanent staff in Operations and Business Support.
We ensure they hold a qualification relevant to their role, including opportunities to access those qualifications which may help them to progress with their social care career or move to a different position in the future.
Following successful completion of your probationary period, including your essential training and the Care Certificate/Induction Standards, Operational staff are offered the opportunity to complete the next stage of their training for a social care career.
These stages include:
In addition, we offer those who have taken on extra responsibilities or who have significant experience, the chance to access additional development opportunities.
Business Support colleagues are offered the same development opportunities as Operational colleagues.
Skills areas are often more specific, and we work in partnership to identify the qualification most suitable for their role or aspirational goal.
Aspirational goals may be supported if it has been agreed by their line manager as a benefit to the organisation, department or as a valuable addition to role development.